Recovery and Thoughts About the Future – Jennifer 1


Jennifer 1 tries to avoid playing the 'what if' game.


So playing the ‘what if’ game never works. I do say even though I’ve like done my best to train myself, even pre-COVID to not fall into that trap it does seem to be right now happening more often. But having my psychologist to talk to helps break that cycle. Because the ‘what if’ game is not productive at all. It isn’t. But really and truly, for the future I’m no longer looking at the like, far future. It is just only looking at the near future. And sometimes it is only taking it one week at a time. Because taking it longer than one week at a time becomes daunting. And we also just don’t know what. And so, why focus on what you don’t know, and just focus on what’s happening. So sometimes just – so for the most part I do try to just only focus on what’s happening in the current week.

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